Latviešu jaunieši saņem 2024.g. “Northern Birch Community Roots” stipendiju

Trīs latviešu sabiedrībā aktīvi jaunieši saņem 2024 Northern Birch Community Roots stipendiju studijām Kanādas augstskolās.

Apsveicam Miku, Elizabeti un Aleku.

Miks Maksiņš is in his first year of Mechanical Engineering at Toronto Metropolitan University. He was born in Riga, Latvia and moved to Canada with his family in 2009. Miks attended the Toronto Latvian Saturday School from kindergarten age and has continued to remain involved there after graduating, working as a teacher’s assistant.

Elizabete Eglīte is a second-year student in the Concurrent Education program at Brock University. She has been connected to her Latvian roots throughout her life, attending Latvian school in Hamilton and later assisting with classes and dance after graduation. Elizabete is also involved with the Girl Guides in Hamilton and is skilled at playing the traditional Latvian instrument, the kokli. Additionally, she has participated in the Latvian folk-dance group, Vainadziņš, traveling with them to Latvian Song and Dance Festivals over the years.

Alek Kness is in his first year of the Commerce Program at McMaster University. Alek has been involved in the Latvian community throughout his life, attending Saulaine Latvian camp during his childhood and graduating from the Latvian Summer High School (Garezers Vasaras Vidusskola) in the USA. He is an avid volleyball player, participating in tournaments at Sidrabene and Garezers. After graduating from the Toronto Latvian Saturday School (TLBSS), Alek returned to teach kindergarten class for a number of years.