
From the Facebook group LATVIANS...Across the Generations Over the past two months I have tried to immerse myself in the Latvian language. But since I don’t have Latvian speakers to...
With the deadline for applications for the Entrepreneurship World Cup (EWC) now closed, the jury has shortlisted the five most promising companies for the Latvian national finals where the entrepreneurs...
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
Our members of parliament must hear from us, their constituents, that we stand with Ukraine. To that end, LNAK has launched a postcard campaign (please see below). We are asking...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Presenters: Lora Egle, PBLA "Latvian archives in the world" project initiator and leader Eva Ausēja, Digital Service Librarian of the Latvian National Library The American Latvian Association (ALA) together with...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Let's vote! The European Parliament election takes place every five years. This year, voters will decide which members are going to represent Latvia over the next five years. Every vote...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia has summarised the support available for the diaspora and diaspora organisations in 2024. The programmes support projects and initiatives that bolster the Latvian...
Latvia and Estonia are driving Baltic economic integration, with Latvia experiencing a 30% surge in foreign investment since 2022. Key sectors include smart energy, bioeconomics, and ICT. Estonia leads in...
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
Tec, brālīti, tec, māsiņa, Palīdzat vezmu vilkt. Ko viens pats nejaudāja To pulkā padarīja.   Šī gada Draudzīgā Aicinājumā TLBSS 6. klases skolēni uzveda teātri Ku-kū! Krupis un Varde Arnolda...
Toronto Latviešu biedrības Sestdienas skola
Ir izsludināti diasporas organizāciju un vēstniecību atbalsta projektu diasporai pieteikšanās termiņi 2024. gadā plānotajiem projektiem: 2024. gada 26. februāris projektiem, kuru realizācija paredzēta laika posmā no 2024. gada 15. marta līdz 31....
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
The Latvian National Federation in Canada expresses its profound sorrow at the passing of Laas Leivat, the Honorary General Consul of the Republic of Estonia, a true Estonian patriot and...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Greetings from the LNAK Statute Committee – Ilze Kuplēna-Ewart (committee head), Jānis Lielāmers, Patriks Rundāns, Astrīde Sīls and Viesturs Zariņš! Based on consultations that we have had with all the...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)