Solidarity Through Song and Dance – Otavas Rotaļa atkal dejo!
Ar lielu prieku ziņojam, ka deju kopa Otavas Rotaļa atkal dejo! Pēc kovida pandēmijas mazā latviešu sabiedrība Otavā bija sanākusi, lai kā koris gatavotos Latvijas 2023.g Dziesmu un deju svētkiem....

Time to Register for Internship Opportunities for USA and Canadian Young People of Latvian Heritage
Since 2015 the American Latvian Association (ALA) has offered internship opportunities in Latvia for Latvian youth from the USA and Canada. Internships allow a targeted work experience valuable for future...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)

It’s time to register for ALA Educational Trips for Young People of Latvian Heritage (ages 13-15)
The organizer of the trips, the American Latvian Association (ALA), graciously welcomes participants from Canada. The “Sveika, Latvija!” trip language will be Latvian. Participants must understand conversational Latvian and be...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)

Jānis and Aina Vītols Scholarship Recipients in 2023
Emīls Matīss, currently a PhD student, specializes in the study of cortical models within the field of computational neuroscience. In the past, he has served as a teacher at the...
Izglītības un Kultūras Fonds

Teātra izrāde tuvojās. Latviešu skola Toronto svinēs Draudzīgo aicinājumu.
Ku-kū! Krupis un varde! Draudzīgais Aicinājums jau pavisam straujiem soļiem tuvojas un TLBSS 6. klases skolēni tik pat strauji gatavojas teātra izrādei Ku-kū! Krupis un Varde. Visu rudeni skolēni ir...
Toronto Latviešu biedrības Sestdienas skola

I want to move back to Latvia! Where should I start?
The Job Mobility Advisors of the European Employment Services Network (EURES) of the State Employment Agency (NVA) will again this year, using theZoom platform offer online seminars "I want to...

Solidarity through Song and Dance – a fundraising event in support of humanitarian needs in Ukraine – in Ottawa on March 2.
The Ottawa Latvian dance troup "Rotaļa", together with the Ottawa Ukrainian Ladies Committee, is organising a fundraising event to support humanitarian needs in Ukraine on March 2 at 18:00. Solidarity...

5th Mini Spotlight Webinar – Jan 23, 12 pm ET
The 5th Mini Spotlight webinar is here and will start the new year with new energy and exciting speakers. Register here: https://latvianchamber.wildapricot.org/event-5549749. The theme will cover startups in Latvia & the...
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia

Riga Technical University (RTU) offers 1-2 week Summer School Courses
Europe and Latvia beckon! RTU has more than 20 years of experience in organising specialised courses and summer/winter schools. Every year RTU is increasingly updating its portfolio, developing its academic...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)

Sestdien, 6. janvārī: Nora Ikstena un Ināra Kolmane Latviešu Fonda Austras stundā
Latviešu Fonds atsāk tiešsaistes sarunu ciklu ar divām īpašām viešņām – rakstnieci Noru Ikstenu un režisori Ināru Kolmani, un aicina visus – gan Fonda dalībniekus, gan visus citus, kam ir...

Delna (Transparency International) Employment Opportunities in Latvia
“Sabiedrība par atklātību – Delna” (Delna) is the international anti-corruption organization's "Transparency International" Latvian division. Delna is the leading anti-corruption NGO in Latvia. Delna is looking for associates to work...
Delnas Atbalsta Grupa
It’s time to renew your LNAK membership – click here!
We invite you to renew your LNAK membership for 2024. If you are not already a member, we invite you to join us and support the work of LNAK. We...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)