LNAK galdiņš dziesmu svētku tirdziņā

Paldies visiem, kas piestājās pie LNAK galdiņa Kanādas dziesmu un deju svētku tirdziņā. Tā bija lieliska iespēja tikties ar svētku apmeklētājiem un pastāstīt par LNAK darbību. Daži bija jau ilggadīgi LNAK atbalstītāji, bet daudzus satikām pirmo reizi. Bija gan vecās trimdas mazbērni un mazmazbērni ar saviem partneriem, gan jauniebraucēji no Latvijas. Bija prieks arī aprunāties …

LNAK galdiņš dziesmu svētku tirdziņā Read More »

Atskats uz PBLA valdes sēdi 2024.g. jūnijā

Pasaules brīvo latviešu apvienības (PBLA) valdes gadskārtējā sapulce šogad noritēja no 10. jūnija līdz 14. jūnijam Rīgā. Sapulces mērķis ir kalt darbības plānus, kas veicina diasporas latvisko identitāti un pilsonisko līdzdalību ārpus Latvijas. PBLA ir noteikusi piecus darbības stūrakmeņus: tie ir drošība, ekonomika, izglītība, kultūra, un sabiedrības iesaiste. Nedēļas garumā pārrunājām šos jautājumus darba grupās, …

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PBLA gadskārtējā valdes sēdē 2024. gada 14. jūnijā pieņemtās rezolūcijas

1. PBLA aicina Rietumu sabiedroto valstis Ziemeļatlantijas alianses 75. jubilejas samitā Vašingtonā dot Ukrainai ceļa karti uz NATO, turpināt atbalstīt Ukrainu ar ieročiem un munīciju, tai skaitā ar F16 lidmašīnu piegādi un pilotu apmācībām ASV un Eiropā, un atbalstīt Ukrainu līdz uzvarai.   2. PBLA valde aicina Latvijas valsti turpināt iesākto darbu, stiprinot valsts austrumu …

PBLA gadskārtējā valdes sēdē 2024. gada 14. jūnijā pieņemtās rezolūcijas Read More »

Ukraine Needs Help to Win: The Latvian National Federation in Canada calls on fellow countrymen to continue supporting Ukraine

Earlier this year in March, Latvians in Ottawa, together with the Ukrainian community, organized a fundraising event called Solidarity Through Song and Dance. All the funds collected were directed to three Ukrainian charity organizations, one of which is Save Ukraine. War is devastating, and we have almost grown accustomed to the daily horrors reported in …

Ukraine Needs Help to Win: The Latvian National Federation in Canada calls on fellow countrymen to continue supporting Ukraine Read More »

First Ever Canada-Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group established at the Parliament of Canada

On May 21st 2024, the first ever Canada – Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group was established in Ottawa. The group will be co-chaired by Senator Rebecca Patterson and member of the House of Commons Francesco Sorbara. Almost 20 Senators and Members of Parliament have joined the group, including: John McKay, member of the House of Commons …

First Ever Canada-Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group established at the Parliament of Canada Read More »

The 2024 LNAK Annual General Meeting

On April 6 LNAK members gathered at the Latvian Centre in Toronto and on Zoom. The main points of the meeting were the executive committee, PBLA representative and audit comittee reports; an online presentation by European Movement Latvia president Andris Gobiņš about Latvia and European Parliament; and detailed discussions and voting on proposed changes to …

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LNAK’s 2024 website project gets a green light from the Society Integration Foundation (SIF) of Latvia

The project “Promoting Digital Communication, Mutual Cooperation and Information Dissemination in the Latvian Community in Canada” is receiving financial support from the Society Integration Foundation (SIF) of the Republic of Latvia Thanks to the support of SIF, the Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK) renewed its website www.lnak.org last year, providing more useful information along …

LNAK’s 2024 website project gets a green light from the Society Integration Foundation (SIF) of Latvia Read More »

The Latvian National Federation in Canada invites you to virtual meetings on February 25 and March 6.

Greetings from the LNAK Statute Committee – Ilze Kuplēna-Ewart (committee head), Jānis Lielāmers, Patriks Rundāns, Astrīde Sīls and Viesturs Zariņš! Based on consultations that we have had with all the Latvian organizations, informal associations, clubs and cultural ensembles across Canada that we were able to reach, the LNAK Statute Committee has been considering how to …

The Latvian National Federation in Canada invites you to virtual meetings on February 25 and March 6. Read More »