LNAK galdiņš dziesmu svētku tirdziņā

Paldies visiem, kas piestājās pie LNAK galdiņa Kanādas dziesmu un deju svētku tirdziņā. Tā bija lieliska iespēja tikties ar svētku apmeklētājiem un pastāstīt par LNAK darbību. Daži bija jau ilggadīgi LNAK atbalstītāji, bet daudzus satikām pirmo reizi. Bija gan vecās trimdas mazbērni un mazmazbērni ar saviem partneriem, gan jauniebraucēji no Latvijas. Bija prieks arī aprunāties …

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Ukraine Needs Help to Win: The Latvian National Federation in Canada calls on fellow countrymen to continue supporting Ukraine

Earlier this year in March, Latvians in Ottawa, together with the Ukrainian community, organized a fundraising event called Solidarity Through Song and Dance. All the funds collected were directed to three Ukrainian charity organizations, one of which is Save Ukraine. War is devastating, and we have almost grown accustomed to the daily horrors reported in …

Ukraine Needs Help to Win: The Latvian National Federation in Canada calls on fellow countrymen to continue supporting Ukraine Read More »

Together in Song and Dance

Ottawa’s Latvian and Ukrainian joint fundraising event was a great success! On March 2, Ottawa Latvians, in collaboration with Ottawa Ukrainians, organised a fundraising event called “Solidarity Through Song and Dance”. It took place in a Ukrainian church in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ladies Committee of the church. The aim was to raise as much …

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Join the LNAK Postcard Campaign

Our members of parliament must hear from us, their constituents, that we stand with Ukraine. To that end, LNAK has launched a postcard campaign (please see below). We are asking you to take a postcard and send it to your member of parliament. The message is very simple—thank the Government for their ongoing support of …

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Solidarity Through Song and Dance – Otavas Rotaļa atkal dejo!

Ar lielu prieku ziņojam, ka deju kopa Otavas Rotaļa atkal dejo! Pēc kovida pandēmijas mazā latviešu sabiedrība Otavā bija sanākusi, lai kā koris gatavotos Latvijas 2023.g Dziesmu un deju svētkiem. Dēļ tā ka vairāki dejotāji nolēma pievienoties koristu aprindām, bijas radusies situācija, kad trūka dejotāji, kas nāktu uz tautas deju mēģinājumiem. Šobrīd notiek gatavošanās Toronto  …

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Solidarity through Song and Dance – a fundraising event in support of humanitarian needs in Ukraine – in Ottawa on March 2.

The Ottawa Latvian dance troup “Rotaļa”, together with the Ottawa Ukrainian Ladies Committee, is organising a fundraising event to support humanitarian needs in Ukraine on March 2 at 18:00. Solidarity Through Song and Dance. After almost two years of war, Ukrainians need to feel our support. We would like Ukrainians in Canada to feel this …

Solidarity through Song and Dance – a fundraising event in support of humanitarian needs in Ukraine – in Ottawa on March 2. Read More »

Baltic cooperation in support of Ukraine’s freedom

On9 December, 2023, Lithuanian Ambassador to Canada Darius Skusevičius held a workshop to bring together the Baltic Canadian community in support of Ukraineam. Balts understand better than any other people in the world the terrible consequences of Russia’s aggression. Supporting Ukraine is now the most important task of the Baltic community in Canada. About 40representatives …

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Ukraine Crisis

The War in Ukraine The Latvian National Federation in Canada stands with Ukraine and calls on the Latvian community to join the fight against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Our parents and grandparents became refugees when they fled as the second Soviet invasion of Latvia began in 1944. They found a safe harbour in Canada but …

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