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Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā
Latvian National Federation in Canada
4 Credit Union Drive

North York Ontario M4A 2N8

LNAK ir Kanādas latviešu sabiedrības jumta organizācija.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK) is the central organization in Canada which connects and represents the Latvian Canadian community and individual Latvian organizations. 

It represents the Latvian community to all three levels of Canadian government.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada seeks to

  • promote Latvian culture, language, and history

  • facilitate connections between those of Latvian heritage, and Latvians at heart

  • create and maintain relations with the broader Canadian community

  • promote active cooperation and dialogue between Latvia and Canada

LNAK is a member of the World Federation of Free Latvians, the Baltic Federation in Canada, and the Central and East European Council of Canada. LNAK works together with the Embassy of Latvia in Canada. 

LNAK is a federally incorporated not for profit entity.


It’s time to register for ALA Educational Trips for Young People of Latvian Heritage (ages 13-15)

The organizer of the trips, the American Latvian Association (ALA), graciously welcomes participants from Canada. The “Sveika, Latvija!” trip language will be Latvian. Participants must understand conversational Latvian and be...

Riga Technical University (RTU) offers 1-2 week Summer School Courses

Europe and Latvia beckon! RTU has more than 20 years of experience in organising specialised courses and summer/winter schools. Every year RTU is increasingly updating its portfolio, developing its academic...

It’s time to renew your LNAK membership – click here!

We invite you to renew your LNAK membership for 2024. If you are not already a member, we invite you to join us and support the work of LNAK. We...

Warm Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

May the Sacred Light foretold by the prophets and awaited by our ancestors flow into every heart and drive out the darkness of doubt, timidness, hate, and fear so that...

Pēteris Blumbergs and Mārīte Kļaviņa to lead the World Federation of Free Latvians (PBLA) for the next two years.

PBLA leadership elections were held in late 2023. Incumbent PBLA PresidentPēteris Blumbergs was re-elected for a second term and will lead the association in 2024 and 2025. calendar years The...

Baltic cooperation in support of Ukraine’s freedom

On9 December, 2023, Lithuanian Ambassador to Canada Darius Skusevičius held a workshop to bring together the Baltic Canadian community in support of Ukraineam. Balts understand better than any other people...

Representatives of LNAK and the Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre meet with MPP Adil Shamji

On Friday, December 8, LNAK President Fritz Kristbergs, together with Lionel Zondo, Chair of the Canadian Latvian Centre Toronto, and former Chair Ivars Mikelšteins, met with MPP Adil Shamji.

Sabiedrības Integrācijas Fonds (SIF) izsludina konkursu diasporas darbības atbalstam – termiņš 2024.g. 16. janvāris

2023.gada 1.decembrī Sabiedrības integrācijas fonds (SIF) ir izsludinājis atklātu konkursu Latvijas valsts budžeta finansētajā programmā “Pilsoniskās līdzdalības veicināšanas programma diasporas NVO darbības atbalstam” Projekta pieteikumu iesniegšana SIF MAP platformā: https://sif.map.gov.lv/...

Statement by the Prime Minister on Latvia’s Independence Day

November 18, 2023 Ottawa, Ontario The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Latvia’s Independence Day: “Today, we join Latvian communities in Canada and around the world...

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