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Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā
Latvian National Federation in Canada
4 Credit Union Drive

North York Ontario M4A 2N8

LNAK ir Kanādas latviešu sabiedrības jumta organizācija.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK) is the central organization in Canada which connects and represents the Latvian Canadian community and individual Latvian organizations. 

It represents the Latvian community to all three levels of Canadian government.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada seeks to

  • promote Latvian culture, language, and history

  • facilitate connections between those of Latvian heritage, and Latvians at heart

  • create and maintain relations with the broader Canadian community

  • promote active cooperation and dialogue between Latvia and Canada

LNAK is a member of the World Federation of Free Latvians, the Baltic Federation in Canada, and the Central and East European Council of Canada. LNAK works together with the Embassy of Latvia in Canada. 

LNAK is a federally incorporated not for profit entity.


Vai Jums rūp latviešu valoda, un vēlaties darīt kaut ko lietas labā? LNAK izsludina divas algotas darba iespējas:

Pateicoties Latvijas Sabiedrības Integrācijas Fonda atbalstam, LNAK piedāvā divas apmaksātas nepilna laika darba iespējas: - vienu, lai sakopotu materiālus, kas var palīdzēt pieaugušajiem apgūt vai uzlabot savu latviešu valodu -...

First Ever Canada-Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group established at the Parliament of Canada

On May 21st 2024, the first ever Canada – Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group was established in Ottawa. The group will be co-chaired by Senator Rebecca Patterson and member of the...

EP Questionnaires – which parties/candidates best represent your views?

Here are two tools that could help you decide which party and candidates to vote for. There are two distinct questionnaires: find out which EP candidates' views and priorities are...

Organizācijas aicinātas pieteikties uz Diasporas konsultatīvās padomes vietām – termiņš 24. maijs

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Step by step: How to vote by mail in the European Parliament elections

To all Latvian citizens living in Canada! From May 4 to May 31, we have the opportunity to vote by mail in the European Parliament elections. Your vote is important...

Otrdien, 7. maijā 9:30 EDT -Eiropas Latviešu apvienība rīko tiešsaistes diskusiju par balsošanu Eiropas Parlamenta vēlēšanās

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Let’s vote in the European Parliament elections!

Why:- to elect the best candidates to represent Latvia in the European Parliament- because our votes have power Voting in person:- Saturday, June 8 in Toronto (Toronto Latvian Centre) and...

Saturday, May 4 14:00 EDT “Parties and candidates; how to vote” – let’s get ready to cast our vote in the European Parliament elections

We are the ones who will decide which parties and individuals will or will not represent Latvia in the European Parliament! LNAK invites you to a Zoom seminar on Saturday,...

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