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Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā
Latvian National Federation in Canada
4 Credit Union Drive

North York Ontario M4A 2N8

LNAK ir Kanādas latviešu sabiedrības jumta organizācija.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK) is the central organization in Canada which connects and represents the Latvian Canadian community and individual Latvian organizations. 

It represents the Latvian community to all three levels of Canadian government.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada seeks to

  • promote Latvian culture, language, and history

  • facilitate connections between those of Latvian heritage, and Latvians at heart

  • create and maintain relations with the broader Canadian community

  • promote active cooperation and dialogue between Latvia and Canada

LNAK is a member of the World Federation of Free Latvians, the Baltic Federation in Canada, and the Central and East European Council of Canada. LNAK works together with the Embassy of Latvia in Canada. 

LNAK is a federally incorporated not for profit entity.


Latvian for preschoolers and adults

We are happy to announce a project to develop two new sections for the LNAK website.Two new sections in support of the Latvian language The first section will be geared...

The World Federation of Free Latvians (PBLA) leadership thanks the European Parliament polling station managers outside Latvia

The leadership of the World Association of Free Latvians has sent an open letter of thanks to the heads of the 12 polling stations and members of the commission established...

LNAK table at the Latvian Song and Dance Festival Marketplace in Toronto

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the LNAK table at the Song and Dance Festival Market. It was a great opportunity to meet the visitors and talk about the...

Atskats uz PBLA valdes sēdi 2024.g. jūnijā

Pasaules brīvo latviešu apvienības (PBLA) valdes gadskārtējā sapulce šogad noritēja no 10. jūnija līdz 14. jūnijam Rīgā. Sapulces mērķis ir kalt darbības plānus, kas veicina diasporas latvisko identitāti un pilsonisko...

Noskaties: PBLA konference “Diasporas diplomātija: Latvijas ceļš uz NATO”

2024. g. 13. jūnija pēcpusdienā PBLA sēdes ietvaros noritēja konference atzīmējot 20 gadus kopš Latvijas pievienošanās NATO.  Pēc PBLA priekšsēža Pētera Blumberga ievada, sekoja uzruna no Latvijas valsts prezidenta Edgara...

PBLA gadskārtējā valdes sēdē 2024. gada 14. jūnijā pieņemtās rezolūcijas

1. PBLA aicina Rietumu sabiedroto valstis Ziemeļatlantijas alianses 75. jubilejas samitā Vašingtonā dot Ukrainai ceļa karti uz NATO, turpināt atbalstīt Ukrainu ar ieročiem un munīciju, tai skaitā ar F16 lidmašīnu...

Ukraine Needs Help to Win: The Latvian National Federation in Canada calls on fellow countrymen to continue supporting Ukraine

Earlier this year in March, Latvians in Ottawa, together with the Ukrainian community, organized a fundraising event called Solidarity Through Song and Dance. All the funds collected were directed to...

Thank-you to all the Latvian citizens in Canada who voted in the European Parliament election!

Give yourself a pat on the back! Canada's participation in these elections tripled compared to 2019. A sincere thank-you to every Latvian citizen who voted. Thank-you to everyone who helped...

Top 10 Reasons to Vote in the European Parliamentary Elections

10. If you are a citizen of Latvia, you are a citizen of Europe. 9. 80% of Latvian laws are based on decisions of the European Union - the European...

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