Christmas Card Artwork Contest for Children and Youth

The LATVIAN NATIONAL FEDERATION IN CANADA invites young people up to 18 years of age to participate in our Christmas card contest.

THE CONTEST: Use any technique (drawing, painting, printmaking, app, digital art, photography), to create artwork for a Christmas Card showing what a Latvian Christmas means to you OR what you would like it to be (e.g., traditions, activities, foods). Use any medium of your choice (e.g. drawing, painting, applique, digital art, photography) on a paper sized 5” x 7” up to a maximum of 8.5” x 11”.

Artwork must be submitted by Sunday, Dec. 23 to the LNAK office or by email to If sending by mail, submissions must be postmarked no later than December 4.

If sending by email, please scan the artwork (300 dpi.). Please do not send photographs of the artwork. If sending by mail, please send to LNAK, 4 Credit Union Drive, Toronto ON M4A 2N8. Please include name, contact information, and artist’s age on a separate page. Please don’t write the artist’s name on the drawing, to ensure anonymity in the judging process. Each participant may submit only one piece of artwork.

PRIZES: The winner will receive a cash prize of $150.00. The winning drawing will be used in this year’s LNAK Christmas greeting. Smaller prizes may be awarded to the second and third place winners. If the artwork has been submitted by a Latvian school teacher, the teacher will receive $100 that can be used towards teaching materials for their class.

The judging committee will judge works based on their creativity.

AGE GROUPS: 1. Ages 1 to 7 2. Ages 8 to 13 3. Ages 14 to 18

Artwork will be judged anonymously. All works will become the property of LNAK and may be used in LNAK publications, the website, and other media as determined by LNAK.

LNAK is the central Latvian organization in Canada. LNAK supports educational, cultural and heritage projects in Canada. With this contest, we hope to encourage children’s active participation in the Latvian Canadian community.

Questions? Please send us an email!