
The most ambitious solar power plant in Latvia to date - Kalkūnes SES in the region of Augšdaugava, near Daugavpils - has started production.  The new power plant has sufficient production...
Investment and Development Agency of Latvia
May 21, 13:00 ET Registration:
To all Latvian citizens living in Canada! From May 4 to May 31, we have the opportunity to vote by mail in the European Parliament elections. Your vote is important...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Eiropas Latviešu apvienība aicina uz tiešsaistes diskusiju par Eiropas Parlamenta (EP) vēlēšanām. Pasākuma mērķis ir informēt diasporas organizācijas un ikvienu interesentu par Eiropas Parlamentu un tā vēlēšanu kārtību, vēlētāju reģistru,...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Why:- to elect the best candidates to represent Latvia in the European Parliament- because our votes have power Voting in person:- Saturday, June 8 in Toronto (Toronto Latvian Centre) and...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
We are the ones who will decide which parties and individuals will or will not represent Latvia in the European Parliament! LNAK invites you to a Zoom seminar on Saturday,...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Here is the Zoom link. If you have Latvian citizenship, please vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections! To help you prepare to vote wisely, LNAK is presenting a series...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
The LNAK Educational and Cultural Foundation offers scholarships. Please fill out the application form and send it to Applicants or their parents/grandparents/guardians must be LNAK members.
Izglītības un Kultūras Fonds
The European Parliament elections will take place in Latvia on June 8 and, according to the European Parliament Election Law, voters living or staying abroad will be able to vote...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
On April 6 LNAK members gathered at the Latvian Centre in Toronto and on Zoom. The main points of the meeting were the executive committee, PBLA representative and audit comittee...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
The Central Election Commission of Latvia has approved the application to have a voting station in Toronto for the June 8 European Parliament elections. Thank-you to voting station manager Arnis...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)