Motions adopted at the 2023 LNFC Members’ Annual Meeting

The following resolutions were adopted at the LNFC Annual Members’ Meeting on March 25, 2023:

Re: LNAK Statute 7.3.6 (2010): That the election of the Board election committee chair be conducted after the review of the Board structure has been completed by the Statute Review Committee and adopted by the Board. With reference to the Bylaws (2010), “Board Meetings” 7.3.6, […that the chair of the Board election committee be elected three(3) years before the Board elections], and taking into account the current review of the Board structure, the chair and vice-chairs propose the following motion:
That the election of the Board election committee chair be conducted after the review of the Board structure has been completed by the Statute Review Committee and adopted by the Board. This election should take place no later than the annual board meeting of 2024.

LNAK categorically condemns the Russian crime of aggression against Ukraine, affirms Ukraine’s territorial integrity, and demands that Russia withdraw its troops from Ukraine immediately.

LNAK invites its members to continue supporting Ukraine, its people, and those displaced by war in Canada, as they are able.

LNAK supports the United Nations Organization’s initiative to implement a special war crimes tribunal to hold Russian leadership accountable for initiating aggression and committing war crimes in Ukraine.

LNAK invites its members to contact their members of parliament on issues related to Latvia and the war in Ukraine. Members are encouraged to:

a) Inform their MP that Russia has a long record of invading its neighbours and share personal stories that they or their family members also endured an invasion in 1940 and atrocities like those being perpetrated in Ukraine right now;
b) advocate for Canada’s strong continued support for Ukraine and its people;
c) thank Canada for Canadian forces participating in the NATO mission in Latvia and its ongoing commitment to Latvian security;
d) express their support for Canada’s participation in NATO.

That the executive committee form a working group to consider the possibility of creating/founding a full-time Latvian language daycare/pre-school in the Toronto area and elsewhere as feasible.

That the suggestions arising from group discussions from the “Town Hall” be collated and passed to the Board for consideration.

That the LNAK Board provide a plan for creating a charitable foundation to meet the financial needs of the work of the LNAK, and present this for consideration at a Members General Meeting.