LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation 2023 Overview

The LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation (IKF) is registered with the Government of Ontario as a non-profit organization with the ability to issue receipts for donations that are recognized for income tax purposes. The Foundation’s resources come mainly from donations and bequests. Continuing the tradition of the Friendly Invitation (“Draudzīgais aicinājums”), the Foundation conducts an annual fundraising campaign and sends out letters to the public asking them to donate to the work of the Foundation. Donations are used to support Latvian education, cultural events and the work of LNAK. Without the support of the Latvian community, IKF could not continue to support Latvian schools, schoolchildren, university students and important cultural events.
Board members:
- Chairperson Elizabete (Elita) Pētersone
- Chair Emerita Inta Purva
- Vice-Chairman Arturs Jansons
- Secretary/Treasurer Vilis Miklašēvics
- Members Iveta Bertovska, Anete Ivsiņa, Karina Mieriņa, Kaspars Reinis
As in previous years, in 2023, IKF supported Canadian Latvian schools (five elementary schools and one highschool) with $25.00 per pupil, as well as forwarding Friendly Appeal donations.
Unfortunately, 2023 is the last year we will be able to giveJānis and Aina Vītols memorial scholarships to university students, as the funds from their bequest have run out. Hopefully, we will be able to access some of the Livia Jansons and Leonard Skreitulis scholarship fund, which is managed by LNAK.
Students who received the J. and A. Vitols Scholarships in 2023 were:
Emīls Beloglāzovs
Elizabete Eglīte
Amanda Gaide
Simona Gaide
Tyler Lakats
Toms Maksiņš
Sarma Martinsone
Emīls Matīss
Alexandra Thomas
Evans Thomas.
Summer scholarships:
2×2 camp in Latvia – Emīls Matīss and Pauls Skuja.
Laura Legzdiņa for a summer internship at the Latvian Fund for Nature.
In the cultural field, the IKF provided grants to:
- the Toronto choir
- “Daugaviņas” documentary film
- the screening of “Soviet Milk” at the European Union Film Festival in Toronto
- the 2×2 camp “Kodols” in Saulaine
- LATCAN’s third book on Latvian organizations, sports and professionals
- the establishment of the Latvian Heritage Trail in Manitoba
- Latvija Amerikā newspaperwith ads
We know that many people support activities in Latvia, but we must not forget our own needs here in Canada. Therefore, it is important that the donations that IKF receives continue to support Latvian schools and youth and cultural events so that Latvians and Latvian organizations do not disappear in the near future.
Elita Pētersone
Chairperson of the Board of the LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation