LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation

What is the Education and Cultural Foundation?

The Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK) Education and Cultural Fundītības is a not for profit charitable organization that has been registered in Ontario since 1982. . All donors receive a charitable donation receipt. Money for the foundation comes from individual donations, and testaments.The foundation supports Latvian educational and cultural activities here in Canada.

The Foundation is managed by its board of directors. The board of directors is elected at each annual meeting to hold office until the next annual meeting.

If you wish to be a member of the foundation, and are 18 years or older, please fill out the following form and send it to the board at lnak@lnak.org. The board reviews all applications.

Here are some examples of what the Foundation has supported in the last few years in the amount of $668,865: Examples:

  • Latvian Song and Dance Festival in Canada,
  • Films about Latvia,
  • The CD Canadian Amber,
  • Latvian schools in Canada,
  • Seminars for Latvian school teachers
  • Scholarships for Latvian students
  • Books:
    Latvian Pioneers, Socialists and Refugees in Manitoba;
    The Latvians of Matheson Ontario;
    Latvian-Canadian Artists and Artisans;
    Latvian-Canadian Art, Music, Letters,
    Pēdejā rudens lapa,
  • 2×2 and 3×3 camps

Donations can be sent to the LNAK IKF office:
4 Credit Union Dr., Toronto, ON
M4A 2N8, Canada
click on Donate to the Education and Cultural Foundation

Being a member of LNAK I wish to support the aims and work of the LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation. Please accept my request to become a member of the foundation. Please fill in the attached form. Please download and fill in the attached form and send it to lnak@lnak.org.

How to request funding

If you have a project in support of Latvian education or culture, please fill out a project application form. If you would like to receive a project application form in Word format, please send an email to the LNAK office at lnak@lnak.org.

Summer Scholarships

If you would like to receive the summer scholarship application form in Word format, please write to lnak@lnak.org.

Summer scholarship applications must be received by May 31 (post stamped or email date).

Jānis and Aina Vītols Memorial Scholarship

LNAK’s Education and Cultural Foundation grants scholarships to Canadian residents (up to age 30) who are full-time students at accredited universities inside and outside Canada.

Jānis and Aina Vītols Memorial Scholarships

Applicants must be Canadian citizens who are able to speak and read in Latvian.

To apply, candidates must fill out the Jāņis and Aina Vītols Memorial Scholarship Application Form.

When applying for the first time, you must include two reference letters from an active member of a Latvian organization or Latvian school (who is not a relative).

If reapplying in subsequent years you do not have to submit reference letters a second time.

All applications must include your latest grades (transcript) – a certificate or copy .

nsuPlease send your application together with the required documentation by August 31 of the coming school year (postmark date or email date).

Scholarships are granted based on grades and active participation in the Latvian community.

IKF Board

If you would like to receive the summer scholarship application form in Word format, please write to lnak@lnak.org.

IKF Board

LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation Board:

  • President: Elita Pētersone
  • Vice-president: Artūrs Jansons
  • Treasurer, Secretary: Vilis Miklašēvics
  • Members: Iveta Bertovska, Gunta Dreifelde, Karina Mieriņš, Kaspars Reinis

Dear friends!

Continuing in the tradition of President of Latvia Kārlis Ulmanis’ “Friendly Invitation”, the LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation invites you to continue this tradition. We invite you to suppor the IKF with a donation, so that IKF can continue to support Latvian culture and education in Canada. Thanks to your donations, IKF has been doing this since 1982.

The Foundation grants scholarships to students of Latvian heritage to attend university and summer schools, and supports Latvian schools in Canada, Latvian school teacher seminars, 2×2 and 3×3 camps, the “Hello Latvia” programme, LNAK operations, and various other cultural projects and events. Even during the pandemic, our Latvian schools continued to operate, Latvian students continued their studies, and cultural events (such as the opera “Baņuta” in a new film adaptation) continued to take place. The Jāņa and Ainas Vītolu testamentary donation that funded scholarships for university students will soon be exhausted. We need your donations, so that we can continue to support Latvian culture and education in Canada.

Thank-you to everyone, whose donations to the LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation helped make this happen. We look forward to your continued support. You can help ensure your ongoing support by making provisions for a testamentary donation to the Education and Cultural Foundation.


Elizabete (Elita) Pētersone

Mīļie tautieši! Aicinām Jūs turpināt skaisto Draudzīgā aicinājuma tradīciju ko Latvijas ministru prezidents Kārlis Ulmanis iesāka 90 gadus atpakaļ, tā atbalstot latviešu izglītību un kultūru Kanādā. Pateicoties Jūsu ziedojumiem, LNAK Izglītības un Kultūras Fonds (IKF) ir atbalstījis latviešu kultūras un izglītības pasākumus Kanādā jau kopš 1982. gada. Taču līdzekļi izsīkst. Fonds gadiem piešķīra stipendijas latviešu...
The LNAK Educational and Cultural Foundation offers scholarships. Please fill out the application form and send it to lnak@lnak.org. Applicants or their parents/grandparents/guardians must be LNAK members. https://lnak.net/pieteiksanas-lnak-izglitibas-kulturas-fonda-vasaras-stipendijai/
The LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation (IKF) is registered with the Government of Ontario as a non-profit organization with the ability to issue receipts for donations that are recognized for income tax purposes. The Foundation's resources come mainly from donations and bequests. Continuing the tradition of the Friendly Invitation ("Draudzīgais aicinājums"), the Foundation conducts an...
Dear friends! The Latvian National Federation in Canada Educational and Cultural Foundation (LNFC ECF) invites you to join this year's annual fundraising "Draudzīgais aicinājums" drive. LNFC ECF has supported Latvian education and culture in Canada since 1982. However, in order to be able to continue our work, we need your support more than ever. The...
Emīls Matīss, currently a PhD student, specializes in the study of cortical models within the field of computational neuroscience. In the past, he has served as a teacher at the Toronto Latvian School TLBSS, danced with Toronto Daugaviņa, and held positions as both treasurer and president of LNJAK. Presently, he holds the role of treasurer...
Valde: priekšsēde Elizabete (Elita) Pētersone priekšsēde emerita Inta Purva vicepriekšsēdis Arturs Jansons sekretārs/kasieris Vilis Miklašēvics locekļi Iveta Bertovska, Anete Ivsiņa, Juris Ķeniņš, Kaspars Reinis LNAK Izglītības un Kultūras Fonds ir reģistrēts pie Ontario valdības kā bezpeļņas organizācija, ar tiesībām izsniegt kvītis par ziedojumiem, kuŗas tiek atzītas ienākumu nodokļa samazināšanai. Fonda līdzekļi galvenokārt nāk no ziedojumiem...
AICINĀJUMS LNAK Izglītības un Kultūras fonda (IKF) gada pilnsapulce notiks sestdien, 2023. gada 1. aprīlī, pulksten 9:30 no rīta pirms LNAK sesijas, Kanadas Latviešu Centrā Toronto, 4 Credit Union Drive, Toronto, On M4A 2N8  Proponēta darba kārtība: Pilnsapulces atklāšana. Darba kārtības pieņemšana. Iepriekšējās pilnsapulces protokola nolasīšana un pieņemšana. Amatpersonu ziņojumi.               a. Priekšsēdes....
Mīļie tautieši! Turpinot 1935. gada bijušā Latvijas Republikas prezidenta Kārļa Ulmaņa iesākto “Draudzīgo aicinājumu”, Latviešu Nacionālās Apvienības Kanadā Izglītības un Kultūras Fonds (LNAK IKF) aicina Jūs turpināt šo tradīciju.  Lūdzam atbalstīt IK Fondu ar ziedojumu, lai IK Fonds varētu turpināt atbalstīt latviešu kultūras un izglītības pasākumus Kanadā.  Pateicoties Jūsu ziedojumiem, IK Fonds ir to darījis...
Gada sākumā pagatavojām video par Draudzīgo aicinājumu, kurā redzējām un dzirdējā no atbalsta saņēmējiem. Sakarā ar Covid-19 pandemiju, valde tikās pāris reizes lietojot Zoom, ka arī lēmām par piešķīrumiem lietojot e-pastus. Kā ik gadus, IKF atbalstīja latviešu skolas Kanadā at $25.00 par katru skolēnu. 2021. gadā sakarā ar to, ka vasarā robeža bija slēgta, neviens...
2020. gadā piešķīrām stipendijas sekojošiem skolniekiem lai tie varētu piedalīties Garezeŗa Vasaras Vidusskolā: Vizma Kaļiņa Zintis Kaļiņš Amalie Kanne Krista Tora Simona Gaide Jāņa un Annas stipendijas universitātes studentiem tika piešķirtas sekojošiem studentiem: Ansis Auziņš Emīls Beloglāzovs Amanda Gaide Pāvils Hawkins Jessica Lakats Kristin Lakats Mārtiņš Mateus Emils Matīss Andris Skuja Pauls Skuja Evan Thomas...