Middle Eight

Latvia will be the Partner Country at Germany’s Smart Country Convention 2024

As the official partner country of the Smart Country Convention 2024, from October 15 to 17, Latvia will present innovative solutions for the digitization of administrations, public enterprises, and cities and municipalities at the Berlin Exhibition Grounds. The Baltic state is considered a pioneer in digital administration. Edgars Rinkevics, President of the Republic of Latvia, …

Latvia will be the Partner Country at Germany’s Smart Country Convention 2024 Read More »

Atskats uz PBLA valdes sēdi 2024.g. jūnijā

Pasaules brīvo latviešu apvienības (PBLA) valdes gadskārtējā sapulce šogad noritēja no 10. jūnija līdz 14. jūnijam Rīgā. Sapulces mērķis ir kalt darbības plānus, kas veicina diasporas latvisko identitāti un pilsonisko līdzdalību ārpus Latvijas. PBLA ir noteikusi piecus darbības stūrakmeņus: tie ir drošība, ekonomika, izglītība, kultūra, un sabiedrības iesaiste. Nedēļas garumā pārrunājām šos jautājumus darba grupās, …

Atskats uz PBLA valdes sēdi 2024.g. jūnijā Read More »

Noskaties: PBLA konference “Diasporas diplomātija: Latvijas ceļš uz NATO”

2024. g. 13. jūnija pēcpusdienā PBLA sēdes ietvaros noritēja konference atzīmējot 20 gadus kopš Latvijas pievienošanās NATO.  Pēc PBLA priekšsēža Pētera Blumberga ievada, sekoja uzruna no Latvijas valsts prezidenta Edgara Rinkēviča. Bijusī Latvijas prezidente Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga pievienojās konferencei attālināti, daloties ar savu perspektīvu par Latvijas iekļūšanu NATO.  Sally Painter, kura vada konsultantu firmu “Blue Star …

Noskaties: PBLA konference “Diasporas diplomātija: Latvijas ceļš uz NATO” Read More »

PBLA gadskārtējā valdes sēdē 2024. gada 14. jūnijā pieņemtās rezolūcijas

1. PBLA aicina Rietumu sabiedroto valstis Ziemeļatlantijas alianses 75. jubilejas samitā Vašingtonā dot Ukrainai ceļa karti uz NATO, turpināt atbalstīt Ukrainu ar ieročiem un munīciju, tai skaitā ar F16 lidmašīnu piegādi un pilotu apmācībām ASV un Eiropā, un atbalstīt Ukrainu līdz uzvarai.   2. PBLA valde aicina Latvijas valsti turpināt iesākto darbu, stiprinot valsts austrumu …

PBLA gadskārtējā valdes sēdē 2024. gada 14. jūnijā pieņemtās rezolūcijas Read More »

First Ever Canada-Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group established at the Parliament of Canada

On May 21st 2024, the first ever Canada – Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group was established in Ottawa. The group will be co-chaired by Senator Rebecca Patterson and member of the House of Commons Francesco Sorbara. Almost 20 Senators and Members of Parliament have joined the group, including: John McKay, member of the House of Commons …

First Ever Canada-Latvia Parliamentary Friendship Group established at the Parliament of Canada Read More »

Online “Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture” for diaspora youth July 3-16

This year the University of Latvia in collaboration with the Latvian Language Agency and the Ministry of Education and Science is offering the summer school for diaspora youth for the 7th time. This year the summer school is being offered online, so that anyone across the world can participate without having to travel to Latvia. …

Online “Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture” for diaspora youth July 3-16 Read More »

LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation 2023 Overview

The LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation (IKF) is registered with the Government of Ontario as a non-profit organization with the ability to issue receipts for donations that are recognized for income tax purposes. The Foundation’s resources come mainly from donations and bequests. Continuing the tradition of the Friendly Invitation (“Draudzīgais aicinājums”), the Foundation conducts an …

LNAK Education and Cultural Foundation 2023 Overview Read More »

Estonian company Fibenol investing up to €700 million to develop a biorefinery in Latvia

On March 15, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed between the Estonian company Fibenol OÜ and the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Agriculture, Climate and Energy and the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) on the implementation of an investment project with a total investment of 600 to 700 million euros. “Coming from Estonia, we …

Estonian company Fibenol investing up to €700 million to develop a biorefinery in Latvia Read More »

Together in Song and Dance

Ottawa’s Latvian and Ukrainian joint fundraising event was a great success! On March 2, Ottawa Latvians, in collaboration with Ottawa Ukrainians, organised a fundraising event called “Solidarity Through Song and Dance”. It took place in a Ukrainian church in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ladies Committee of the church. The aim was to raise as much …

Together in Song and Dance Read More »