LNAK priekšsēža Fritz Kristberga apsveikums valstssvētkos

Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 106. gadadienā

Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanādā sirsnīgi sveic visus latviešus, multi-kultūru latviešus, latviešu izcelsmes ļaudis, latviešu un Latvijas draugus, ļaudis kuri gribētu būt latvieši, un visus tautas deju, kora dziesmu, pīrāgu un latviešu kultūras bagātības baudītājus. Saules … ...

Thoughts on Independence Day

…Be it through dust or the passage of centuries,
Through time without end and the choking smog of death –
God will raise our flag,
For generation upon generation.
The day draws near – we, blessed for our homeland’s sake… ...

Ukrainian children need more help

In Ottawa on October 27, Save Ukraine hosted a thank-you event for its supporters in a downtown church that has been converted into a community centre. Attending the meeting were Mykola Kuleba, founder of Save Ukraine , and Senator … ...

Latvia’s 106th Birthday Celebration in Hamilton

Sunday, November 17 14:00
King George Ballroom South,
Liuna Station, 360 James St. N., Hamilton

The opening ceremony will be followed by a concert
– with Melngailis on the trail of traditional folk songs
Latvian music ensemble SKANDA… ...

The Toronto Dievturu Communion Celebrates the Harvest

This year, on the 21st day of the Heather month (September), the hot embrace of today’s sun did not signal the arrival of the autumn, but we know that every summer is followed by autumn, every summer’s work is followed … ...