General News Items

Latvia will be the Partner Country at Germany’s Smart Country Convention 2024
As the official partner country of the Smart Country Convention 2024, from October 15 to 17, Latvia will present innovative solutions for the digitization of administrations, public enterprises, and cities...
Business, LIAA
Innovative biomass processing is becoming a success story for Latvia’s economy
On June 27, a delegation of Latvian entrepreneurs met in Brussels with Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice President of the European Commission, and other EU institutions representatives to discuss the potential...
Diaspora, Canada
Documenting the Story of Latvians in Canada
Viesturs Zarins Even though there have been Latvians in Canada since at least the 1890s, there is no definitive history that documents their story in this country. There is however...
Sign up now! The Sidrabene Beach Volleyball Tournament is coming up soon
Friends, relatives, kids, parents grandparents, we hope to see you all on June 8 - 9 at the Beach Volleyball Tournament! Everyone is welcome, both players and spectators. Registration is...
Latvia boasts a powerful presence at this year’s Cannes Film Festival
It’s definitely a red-letter year for Latvia at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. The French gathering, which kicked off yesterday and will run until 25 May, is welcoming a large contingent...
Defence, PBLA
PBLA rīkos konferenci Rīgā “Diasporas diplomātija: Latvijas ceļš uz NATO”
Pasaules Brīvo latviešu apvienība (PBLA) gadskārtējās valdes sēdes ietvaros Rīgā, kā vienu no tās centrālajiem notikumiem plāno konferenci, kas būs veltīta Latvijas uzņemšanas NATO 20. gadadienai.  PBLA rīkotās konferences nosaukums...
EP Elections 2024, PBLA
A guide to the 2024 European Parliament Elections
This pre-election review of the European elections was commissioned by the PBLA and the ALA and written by journalist Pauls Raudseps. Every five years, elections are held in the early...
Business, Uncategorized
Mini Spotlight – Architectural and Construction Business in the US and Latvians
May 21, 13:00 ET Registration:
Online “Summer School of Latvian Language and Culture” for diaspora youth July 3-16
This year the University of Latvia in collaboration with the Latvian Language Agency and the Ministry of Education and Science is offering the summer school for diaspora youth for the...
Together in Song and Dance
Ottawa's Latvian and Ukrainian joint fundraising event was a great success! On March 2, Ottawa Latvians, in collaboration with Ottawa Ukrainians, organised a fundraising event called "Solidarity Through Song and...