Jānis and Aina Vītols Scholarship Recipients in 2023

Emīls Matīss, currently a PhD student, specializes in the study of cortical models within the field of computational neuroscience. In the past, he has served as a teacher at the Toronto Latvian School TLBSS, danced with Toronto Daugaviņa, and held


LNAK sveic visus tautiešus Latvijas Patriotu nedēļā

Ik gadu mēs šajās svinīgajās dienās atjaunojam kopīgu solījumu celt Latvijas un latvju tautas godu un labkklājību, lai izpildītu to cerību, par kuru tik daudz ir cīnījušies, pat ziedojuši savu dzīvību.

Diasporā esam izveidojuši daudzpusīgu un raibu latviešu tautu — … ...

Thoughts on Family

In our family, we inherited two opposing views of “family.” My father came from an old Danish family, whose definition of “family” meant those whom by law one was prohibited to marry; the rest were “relatives.” My mother came from … ...

The new LNAK website is live!

Thank-you to Latvia’s Society Integration Fund for their financial support of this project, which allowed us to revamp the LNAK website with a modern design, a new contemporary logo and new information sections.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the … ...

LNAK biedrzinis Jānis Lielāmers

Labdien! Mani sauc Jānis Lielāmers. Kopš 2022. gada LNAK padomes pavasara sesijas esmu uzņēmies pienākumus LNAK valdē kā biedrzinis. Vai esat jau samaksājuši LNAK 2023. gada biedru naudu? Paldies, ja esat!

Pirmais gads LNAK valdē paskrējis nemanot, un diezgan lielā … ...