Atskats uz PBLA valdes sēdi 2024.g. jūnijā

Pasaules brīvo latviešu apvienības (PBLA) valdes gadskārtējā sapulce šogad noritēja no 10. jūnija līdz 14. jūnijam Rīgā. Sapulces mērķis ir kalt darbības plānus, kas veicina diasporas latvisko identitāti un pilsonisko līdzdalību ārpus Latvijas. PBLA ir noteikusi piecus darbības stūrakmeņus: tie … ...

The 2024 LNAK Annual General Meeting

On April 6 LNAK members gathered at the Latvian Centre in Toronto and on Zoom. The main points of the meeting were the executive committee, PBLA representative and audit comittee reports; an online presentation by European Movement Latvia president Andris … ...

Jānis and Aina Vītols Scholarship Recipients in 2023

Emīls Matīss, currently a PhD student, specializes in the study of cortical models within the field of computational neuroscience. In the past, he has served as a teacher at the Toronto Latvian School TLBSS, danced with Toronto Daugaviņa, and held
