General News Items

Watch 8 award winning and classic Latvian films online for free until February 8
From February 1 to 4, you can watch a selection of "Lielais Kristaps" films for free worldwide on Film .lv! "Lielais Kristaps" or "The Grand Kristaps" is Latvia's version of...
Youth, In Latvia
ALA izglītojošo ceļojuma programmām pieteikšanās atvērta
Vai Tu vēlies uzlabot savu latviešu valodu, vai apceļot Latviju ar ģimeni? Šeit ir vienreizēja iespēja neaizmirstamai vasarai, kur viss ir rūpīgi sagatavots un noorganizēts! Piesakies un dodies veinreizējā celojumā!Sveika,...
History, Literature
Baņuta Rubess’s historical novel ” Bruno Slept Here” is published in Latvian
On December 17 at 18.00 Rīga's cultural space Hanza Platform will see the launch of the newly published novel "Te bija Brunis" ("Bruno Slept Here") by Baņuta Rubess. Members of...
Canada-Latvia relations
Memorial to Victims of Communism opens Thursday, December 12 in Ottawa
The official inauguration of the Memorial to the Victims of Communism—Canada, a Land of Refuge will take place on December 12, 2024, in partnership with the project's main promoter, Tribute...
Defence, Canada-Latvia relations
Prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs tiekas ar Kanādas ārlietu ministri Melāniju Žolī (Melanie Joly)
2. decembrī Valsts prezidents Edgars Rinkēvičs Rīgas pilī tikās ar Kanādas ārlietu ministri Melāniju Žolī (Melanie Joly), lai pārrunātu abu valstu divpusējo sadarbību, īpaši aizsardzības un drošības jomā, kā arī...
Business, LIAA
Latvia Ranks Second in the Tax Competitiveness Index 2024
The Baltic countries have the most competitive tax systems among OECD countries. According the 2024 index, Estonia ranks first, Latvia is in second place and Lithuania in fifth place. Canada...
National holidays
Edmonton Latvians celebrate Latvia’s Independence Day
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined Imanta to celebrate Latvia's 106th Independence Day! Your presence made the day truly special, and it was a joy to see so...
PBLA Annual Award to conductor Lilija Zobena
The World Federation of Free Latvians (PBLA) has awarded its annual prize to Lilija Sabīne Zobens, conductor of the UK Latvian choirs, ethnomusicologist, former chairperson of the Latvian National Council...
Ukrainian children need more help
In Ottawa on October 27, Save Ukraine hosted a thank-you event for its supporters in a downtown church that has been converted into a community centre. Attending the meeting were...
Diaspora, EP Elections 2024
Members of the Latvian diaspora are invited to complete a survey by November 10
The Centre for Diaspora and Migration Studies at the University of Latvia launches the third large-scale Latvian Diaspora Survey! On 15 October, after a five-year break, the Migration Research Group...