
We encourage Latvian Canadian young people to take advantage of the opportunities available to them to cultivate their Latvian heritage, study, form new friendships, and strengthen their ties to Latvia and youth in Latvia. Here are some of the opportunities available to Latvian Canadian youth in Latvia, including internships, 2×2 youth seminars and educational opportunities.

There are also wonderful opportunities in Latvia for youth who do not speak Latvian, whether or not they be of Latvian descent. For instance, there are various courses, from short-term summer courses to full-time university studies, that are conducted in English.

Vai Tu vēlies uzlabot savu latviešu valodu, vai apceļot Latviju ar ģimeni? Šeit ir vienreizēja iespēja neaizmirstamai vasarai, kur viss ir rūpīgi sagatavots un noorganizēts! Piesakies un dodies veinreizējā celojumā!Sveika,...
Since 2015 the American Latvian Association (ALA) has offered internship opportunities in Latvia for Latvian youth from the USA and Canada. Internships allow a targeted work experience valuable for future...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
The organizer of the trips, the American Latvian Association (ALA), graciously welcomes participants from Canada. The “Sveika, Latvija!” trip language will be Latvian. Participants must understand conversational Latvian and be...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)
Europe and Latvia beckon! RTU has more than 20 years of experience in organising specialised courses and summer/winter schools. Every year RTU is increasingly updating its portfolio, developing its academic...
Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanadā (LNAK)