Thank-you to all the Latvian citizens in Canada who voted in the European Parliament election!

Give yourself a pat on the back! Canada’s participation in these elections tripled compared to 2019. A sincere thank-you to every Latvian citizen who voted. Thank-you to everyone who helped make this happen: Arnis Markitants and the team that managed the voting station in Toronto; the Embassy of Latvia in Ottawa; our LNAK regional representatives, who helped motivate their local communities to vote; Andris Gobiņš and Iveta Kažoka, who educated us via our LNAK Zoom seminars; Latvians in Hamilton and Ottawa who gathered to watch the seminars; Toronto’s chapter of the Latvian Relief Society, who let us use their meeting room to watch the seminar in Toronto; the Toronto Latvian Pensioners’ Association, which talked about the EP elections at several of their meetings; the Toronto Latvian Choir for informing the choristers; Vita Gaiķe and the “Latvija Amerikā” newspaper that published many articles regarding the elections, and placed LNAK’s “10 Resons to Vote…” prominently on Page 2; all the chauffeurs who drove fellow Latvians to the voting stations; and everyone, who engaged in discussions, educated themselves, and shared their questions, observations and suggestions.

Official results will be published at midnight (Latvia time). According to the the latest news from (12:21 Latvia time):

“As of now it’s not clear whether the “Stabilitātei!” party will be successful in getting enough votes to have a seat in the European Parliament.

If they do not get a set, “Jaunā Vienotība” and “Nacionālā Apvienība” will get two seats each, and “Latvijas attīstībai”, “Apvienotais saraksts”, “Latvija pirmajā vietā”, “Saskaņa” and “Progresīvie” will get one seat each.

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We would like to acknowledge and thank Latvia’s Society Integration Foundation, which provides financial support for the LNAK website This includes technical support as well as content creation, including the information we have been able to provide on the European Parlament elections.

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