Middle Eight

LNAK priekšsēža Fritz Kristberga apsveikums valstssvētkos

Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas 106. gadadienā

Latviešu Nacionālā Apvienība Kanādā sirsnīgi sveic visus latviešus, multi-kultūru latviešus, latviešu izcelsmes ļaudis, latviešu un Latvijas draugus, ļaudis kuri gribētu būt latvieši, un visus tautas deju, kora dziesmu, pīrāgu un latviešu kultūras bagātības baudītājus. Saules … ...

Thoughts on Independence Day

…Be it through dust or the passage of centuries,
Through time without end and the choking smog of death –
God will raise our flag,
For generation upon generation.
The day draws near – we, blessed for our homeland’s sake… ...

Ukrainian children need more help

In Ottawa on October 27, Save Ukraine hosted a thank-you event for its supporters in a downtown church that has been converted into a community centre. Attending the meeting were Mykola Kuleba, founder of Save Ukraine , and Senator … ...

Latvia’s 106th Birthday Celebration in Hamilton

Sunday, November 17 14:00
King George Ballroom South,
Liuna Station, 360 James St. N., Hamilton

The opening ceremony will be followed by a concert
– with Melngailis on the trail of traditional folk songs
Latvian music ensemble SKANDA… ...