LNAK Izglītības un kultūras fonda Draudzīgais aicinājums

Mīļie tautieši!

Aicinām Jūs turpināt skaisto Draudzīgā aicinājuma tradīciju ko Latvijas ministru prezidents Kārlis Ulmanis iesāka 90 gadus atpakaļ, tā atbalstot latviešu izglītību un kultūru Kanādā.

Pateicoties Jūsu ziedojumiem, LNAK Izglītības un Kultūras Fonds (IKF) ir atbalstījis latviešu kultūras un ...

Latvian school teachers in Canada share their experiences

This year’s first Canadian Latvian Teachers’ Meeting took place on November 2. The meeting was attended by teachers and principals from the Toronto, Montreal and Hamilton Latvian schools.
After a brief introduction by Agra Asmus-Vāgnere, LNAK Education Section lead, a … ...

First Day of School at the Toronto Latvian School

The first day of school is always special. Children return from their summer vacations, and meet their friends and teachers as they start the new school year. On thhe first day of the Toronto Latvian School you could see smiles … ...

Northern Birch Community Roots Scholarship open for applications

Northern Birch is calling all student members! If you’re currently enrolled in post-secondary school and are actively contributing to your community, apply for the Northern Birch Community Roots Scholarship!
Accepting applications from October 1st to November 3rd, 2024.
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Letts Jump into Latvian

Interested in learning Latvian?  Know someone who might want to jump into learning this ancient Baltic language? The Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK) initiative “A Compendium of Latvian Language Learning Resources For Adults” is a project set up to