About LNAK

LNAK goals


To represent, support and serve those of Latvian descent or affiliation, and to promote active co-operation and dialogue between Latvia and Canada


To support and promote the wellbeing of the Republic of Latvia in accordance and with universal democratic principles


To promote the dissemination of accurate and relevant information about Latvia, its people and culture


To provide financial support for promoting Latvian culture in Canada directly and through like minded organizations


To promote the spiritual, societal, material and cultural well-being of those of Latvian descent or affiliation in Canada


To support and promote co-operation among Latvian organiations in Canada and other countries.

LNAK Leadership

LNAK Executive Committee


Dr. rev. Fritz Traugott-Kristbergs


Ingrīda Mukāne-Zemīte


Māra Leja

Public Affairs

Jānis Lielāmers


Agra Asmus-Vāgnere


Dace Veinberga

Committee members

Ādams Grāvītis, Jānis Ivsiņš, māc. Ilze Kuplēns-Ewart (ex officio), Gunta Reynolds, Laura Smite

LNAK annual general meeting in-person participants

Board leadership


Rev. Ilze Kuplēna-Ewart

Roberts Klaiše

Baiba Bredovska


Gundega Auziņa

Līva Zemīte

LNAK Board of Directors

Iveta Bertovska
Krišs Brauns
Baiba Bredovska
Ēriks Bredovskis
Rinalds Eglītis
Alīde Forstmanis
Normunds Goba
Roberts Klaiše
Dr. rev. Fritz Traugott-Kristbergs
Linda Kronbergs

Gunta Krūmiņš
Ilze Kuplēns-Ewart
Andre Kūlnieks
Viktors Kūlnieks
Juris Ķeniņš
Andris Ķesteris
Jānis Lielāmers
Arnis Markitants
Elita Pētersone
Imants Purvs

Gunta Reynolds
Patriks Rundāns
Aleksandrs Sausiņš
Mārtiņš Sausiņš
Astrīde Sīlis
Alberts Upeslācis
Agra Asmus-Vāgnere
Ingrīda Zemīte
Līva Zemīte
Andra Zommers

Representatives to the World Federation of Free Latvians (PBLA)

LNAK representatives on the PBLA executive committee

Dr. Rev. Fritz Traugott-Kristbergs (LNAK President)
Agra Asmus-Vāgnere
Ingrīda Mukāne-Zemīte

PBLA Cultural Fund Canadian representative
PBLA Education representative

Juris Ķeniņš

Agra Asmus-Vāgnere

Local Representatives


One Rudovica +


Arnis Miķelsons


Ingrīda Šķetris


from the HALO committee


Andrejs Vītols


Elmars Dīriķis


Liene Sestule


Sarma Merdian

LNAK Divisions

Agra Asmus-Vāgnere

Jānis Lielāmers

Representative in Ottawa: Aija Auziņa

Members: Dace Veinberga, Ingrīda Mukāne-Zemīte

Audit Committee

Gunta Krūmiņa
Arnis Markitants
Alberts Upeslācis

Mandate Committee

Jānis Lielāmers

Patriks Rundāns

Astrīde Sīls

LNAK representatives to other Canadian organizations

Latvian Song Festival Board

The board consists of community leaders, whose purpose is to meet every five years to determine the date, place and organizers of the next Latvian Song Festival in Canada.
The LNAK representatives are:
Dr. Rev. Fritz Traugott-Kristbergs
Iveta Bertovska

Canadian Latvian Cultural Centre

The LNAK representative is Ingrīda Mukāne-Zemīte.

Central and Eastern European Council (CEEC)

The LNAK representative is Fritz Kristbergs.

Kristus Dārzs Retirement Home

Kristus Dārzs Retirement Home is a non-profit longterm nursing home in Woodbridge, Ontario.
The LNAK representative on the Christ’s Garden Council is Fritz Christberg.

Baltic Federation in Canada

The Baltic Federation in Canada, established in 1949, is the umbrella organization for the Baltic community in Canada, bringing together:

  • The Estonian Central Council in Canada
  • The Latvian National Federation in Canada
  • The Lithuanian-Canadian Community

The LNAK representative is Fritz Kristbergs.

LNAK Structure

LNAK is the central organization representing Latvian Canadians. LNAK initiatives are determined by LNAK members who have paid their annual dues. Members meetings are held at least once a year. Members vote on resolutions, that direct the work of LNAK.

LNAK leadership consists of the Board, the Executive Committee, and the Audit Committee.

Every four years members in good standing elect the LNAK Board, consisting of three to thirty members. The last board elections took place in March, 2022. The Board meets at least once per year, usually at the beginning of April. The Board reviews reports from the previous year, and adopts resolutions to determine the next year’s plan of action.

The LNAK Board elects an eleven member executive committee that serves for two years. The last elections took place in April of 2024. The Chairperson of the Council is automatically a member of the Management Board. The Executive Committee President and Vice-President must be members of the LNAK Board. The Treasurer and remaining Executive Committee members do not have to be members of the Board. The Executive Committee operates according to LNAK’s statutes, to further the goals of LNAK and to fulfil the resolutions accepted by the members and the Board.

The History of LNAK

After the Latvian immigrants settled in the centres of the major Canadian provinces and after the establishment of local associations and congregations, the central Latvian organisations began to emerge, one of the first of which was the Latvian National Federation in Canada. Two of the founders were Konrāds Dobelis in Edmonton and Mariss Vētra in Halifax.

Dobelis had already arrived in Canada in 1927, and as soon as Latvian refugees started to arrive in Canada after the Second World War, he worked to help them with legal matters and accomodations. In 1947 he founded the Edmonton Latvian Society “IMANTA”.

1947./1948. Local Latvian organizations were also established in Toronto, Montreal, London, Hamilton and Winnipeg.

In 1947, Vētra, a soloist with the Latvian National Opera, came to Halifax from Sweden and tried to help the young Latvian immigrants with the practical problems of settling in Canada.

On the initiative of Dobelis, on September 25, 1948, the local Latvian organizations came together in Toronto. The twelve delegates founded the Canadian Latvian National Association with Konrāds Dobelis as its president. The purpose of the organization was twofold, to help the Latvian refugees who had come to Canada, and to fight for Latvia to regain its freedom. In order to prevent parallelism in the work of relief, the Canadian Latvian National Association and the Latvian Relief Association leadership, on May 6, 1950, the Latvian Relief Association of Canada (LRAC) convened delegates to a joint meeting at which they agreed to establish a joint Latvian central organization called the Latvian National Federation in Canada (LNAK). J. Preisbergs was elected as the first president.

At the time, the statutes of the organization stated that the membership consisted of all Latvians living in Canada.