
Boliņš un Čirka

Latviešu valodas aģentūras veidotais animācijas seriāls ir domāts pašiem mazākajiem skatītājiem, un katra sērija ilgst nepilnas piecas minūtes. Boliņš un Čirka ir divi mazi un krāsaini kukainīši, kuri jautri dzied, dejo, lasa, skaita, pēta un pavisam nejauši apgūst latviešu valodu.… ...


The animated series, created in Latvia, tells the story of four little Lupatins – Socks, Gloves, Pillows and Nightingales – and introduces young viewers to the adult world in a simple and witty way. The Puppets speak in a real … ...


Lovely and educational content for the very young, in language they can understand, on interesting and useful topics.… ...

American Psychological Association (APA) The Benefits of Being Bilingual

In this podcast episode, Dr. Viorica Marian, a cognitive scientist and expert in bilingualism, explores the cognitive advantages of being bilingual. She explains that speaking multiple languages can enhance brain functions, improve executive abilities, and potentially delay age-related cognitive decline. … ...


A programme for the very young. Latvian children have known the fascinating world of dwarfs for at least two generations and follow the events and lessons of each series with interest.… ...


Short programmes about life on the farm. The language is slow and simple, as these recordings are intended for hearing-impaired children, but they give children in the diaspora a beautiful insight into the Latvian countryside.… ...

Tutas lietas (Tuta’s things)

For more than 200 episodes, a girl called Tuta and her friends have been telling us about the things around us in simple and interesting ways. The programme is aimed at children aged 2 to 5 years.… ...

“Bing” in Latvian

Šis animācijas seriāls atspoguļo pirmsskolas vecuma bērna ikdienu – sākot ar prieku par jauniem atklājumiem un beidzot ar vilšanos, kad viss nenotiek gluži tā, kā plānots. Trusis Bings ir labsirdīgs un nerātns pirmsskolas vecuma bērns, kurš kopā ar saviem draugiem… ...