Why Fairy Tales?

Fairy tales usually involve fictional events and characters, such as animals, magical creatures, wizards or talking objects. Fairy tales are a universal and powerful way to promote children’s language and emotional development, while preserving and transmitting cultural heritage.
They are good for language development in children:
– Rich vocabulary: fairy tales often include a variety of words, phrases and expressions that expand your child’s vocabulary.
-Understanding the structure of language: by listening to and reading stories, children learn about the rhythm of language, sentence structures and grammar rules.
– Narrative skills: fairy tales help children develop narrative skills because they usually have a logical sequence, beginning, middle and end.
– Creativity and imagination: fairy tales stimulate children’s imagination and creativity, which is important for language development. The use of imagination also promotes abstract thinking and conceptual understanding.
– Emotional and social development: fairy tales often contain moral messages and lessons that help children understand social norms, emotions and human behaviour, while learning appropriate language for these situations.
– Cultural heritage: fairy tales help children learn about their own culture and linguistic traditions, as well as understanding the stories and values of other cultures.

!!! Suggestion from other parents: listen to audio stories in the car! It’s a great way to entertain your children on longer journeys while developing their language skills and imagination!!!!

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