Resource items

For more than 200 episodes, a girl called Tuta and her friends have been telling us about the things around us in simple and interesting ways. The programme is aimed...

Šis animācijas seriāls atspoguļo pirmsskolas vecuma bērna ikdienu – sākot ar prieku par jauniem atklājumiem un beidzot ar vilšanos, kad viss nenotiek gluži tā, kā plānots. Trusis Bings ir labsirdīgs...

The channel "Mammas pasakas" is distinguished by its cosy and warm atmosphere, where Latvian folk and original fairy tales are read, giving them a personal and authentic feel. It offers...

Iesim uz pasaku youtube kanālā atradīsiet īsākas pasakas ar vienkāršāku valodas līmeni. Šeit atradīsiet mazas idejas, kas rosina uz rotaļām un piedzīvojumiem. Pievienojot iztēli, katra rotaļa var kļūt par lielu...

Fairy tales usually involve fictional events and characters, such as animals, magical creatures, wizards or talking objects. Fairy tales are a universal and powerful way to promote children's language and...

Fingerplays are texts that an adult recites and are accompanied by movement - playing with a child's fingers, hands, feet, tickling and stroking, rocking a child on their knees or...

Educational programmes aim primarily to educate and inform viewers. These programmes are designed to make it easy for children to absorb new information. They: - Enrich vocabulary: programmes often use...

Computer games and apps can be useful tools for preschool children to learn Latvian, as they offer interactive and engaging learning methods. They can give children a fun and effective...