Resource items

Ginta Zilbaloža animācijas filma “Straume” ir jaunāko laiku lielākā Latvijas kino starptautiskā sensācija – pēc pirmizrādes prestižajā Kannu kinofestivālā tā ieguvusi vairākus desmitus apbalvojumu citos starptautiskos kinofestivālos. Tagad filmas kadri...

Iegremdējies aizraujošā krāsošanas piedzīvojumā ar grāmatas "Puiku Alfabēts" ilustrācijām! Katrs burts – ar aizraujošām un izglītojošām ilustrācijām – aizņem vienu lapu, ļaujot bērniem pašiem kļūt par māksliniekiem. Izdrukā tik daudz...

Jaunajiem vecākiem un pedagogiem, kuri vēlas atbalstīt mazuļu valodas attīstību, ir pieejams elektroniskais ceļvedis „Klusiem vakariem kopā ar mazuļiem”. Šo ceļvedi, kuru sagatavojusi Latviešu Valodas Aģentūra, veido noderīgas saites uz...

They are designed for younger students who are learning Latvian as beginners. The books include fun illustrations, simple texts and activities such as cutting, gluing and drawing, with an emphasis...

Most parents want to speak to their children in their mother tongue. However, it is not always possible to instill and maintain the Latvian language when living outside of Latvia,...

"Latvian for Kids is a fun and exciting YouTube channel that makes learning Latvian fun for children. With 15 short and entertaining videos, each 2-3 minutes long, the channel presents...

The book series "Why? Why? How so?" is designed to engage children and develop their curiosity about the world. The books are aimed at children from 2 to 4 years....

This resource provides a set of activities and suggestions for developing children's speech and language from birth to age 6. It includes a variety of methods to engage children in...

Bilingual blogs and communities on Feedspot - there is a small subscription fee but this website gives an overview of 15 bilingual/multilingual blogs that may be of interest and you...

Curious about how to help your child become bilingual, even if you're not fluent in a second language? Bethany M. Edwards shares her personal journey and offers simple, effective tips...