Saturday, May 4 14:00 EDT “Parties and candidates; how to vote” – let’s get ready to cast our vote in the European Parliament elections

We are the ones who will decide which parties and individuals will or will not represent Latvia in the European Parliament!

LNAK invites you to a Zoom seminar on Saturday, May 4 at 14:00 EDT. The seminar will be presented by European Movement Latvia president Andris Gobiņš, to help Latvian Canadians be informed voters. The European Movement in Latvia is a non-governmental organization that promotes Latvia’s interests in the European Union and raises awareness of Europe in Latvia.

All Latvian citizens are also European citizens, and developments in the European Parliament have a significant impact on Latvia. Latvian citizens living in Canada have the right to vote in these elections and help elect pro-Latvia MPs.

If you voted in the 2022 Latvian Parliamentary elections, please vote in the European Parliament elections!
If you didn’t vote in 2022, please do so in these elections!

The seminar takes place on the Zoom platform. We invite you to get together with friends or in your local community to watch the workshops together.

Hamiltonians will be meeting at the Biedrības nams on Queen Street.

We hope to arrange a meeting room at the Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto.