LNAK table at the Latvian Song and Dance Festival Marketplace in Toronto

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the LNAK table at the Song and Dance Festival Market. It was a great opportunity to meet the visitors and talk about the activities of LNAK. Some were long-time supporters of LNAK, but many we met for the first time. There were grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the old exiles with their partners, as well as new immigrants from Latvia. It was also a pleasure to talk to Latvians from the USA, Latvia and other countries.

Thanks to the support of the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we were able to print and hand out bookmarks with four different designs from which to choose. Each bookmark has a QR code with a link to the LNAK website. Thanks to Jānis Ivsiņš for the bookmark design.

The bookmarks were a hit. People were pleasantly surprised that they did not have to pay. The different designs were from the Jūrkalne waterfront, from the Jūrkalne monument “Sail of Hope” (which marks the place where Latvians fled from Latvia to Sweden) or from the Freedom Monument. The reverse side of the bookmark contains the LNAK logo, a QR code to the LNAK website, and the LNAK website address. The bookmark provides quick and easy access to the latest information from LNAK.

As well as handing out the bookmarks, we invited Latvians in Canada to sign “Stand with Ukraine” postcards to send to their MPs. The cards were the same ones we handed out in February on the second anniversary of Russia’s attack on Ukraine; only this time we also asked for a handwritten “2% for defence”, urging Canada to allocate 2% of its budget to defence, as it is required to do for NATO members. We collected and sent 150 cards. A significant number of signatories were not sure who their MP was. We could easily help you by entering your postcode on https://www.ourcommons.ca/members/en.

We asked if the signatories of the cards would be willing to contact their MP personally. Thank you to those who agreed.

Visitors to the market had the opportunity to sign up to receive the LNAK email newsletter, increasing the number of subscribers to our newsletter. A good number asked if the newsletters were only in Latvian, and were happy to learn that we provide news in Latvian and English.

We also had two larger screens at the table, one where we showed the LNAK website and another where visitors could click on a QR code and answer the question “What do you value most in your Latvian identity?” You could see the answers in a word cloud.

At the table you could renew or become a member of LNAK, buy an LNAK t-shirt, or get explanations on how to add your organization or business to the LNAK website.

Next to the LNAK table was the American Latvian Association (ALA)’s table, where Public Relations Manager Dzintars Dzilna encouraged Latvians to sign cards prepared by the ALA for US Senators and Representatives. Many thanks to Dzintars, who actively attracted passers-by to both of our tables.

In general, it was a great opportunity to talk to many Latvians in Canada and get an insight into what the Latvian community in Canada looks like today. Thanks to the organizers of the XVI Canadian Song and Dance Festival who gave LNAK the opportunity to set up a table at the market. The song festival was a great success: thank you to the organizing committee and all the volunteer helpers!

The LNAK table project was supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia from the Diaspora Support Projects