“Letts Jump into Latvian” – Let’s meet Friday, Jan. 31 at the Latvian Centre in Toronto and on Zoom

After months of collecting and evaluating resources for adults who wish to learn or improve their Latvian language skills, we are ready to launch LETTS JUMP INTO LATVIAN, housed on the LNAK website! Our WhatsApp group and anyone interested in attending our social get-together is most welcome to meet with Aija Mazsīlis and Ingrīda Zemīte on Friday January 31st at 7 p.m. in Ummurkummurs, Latvian Canadian Cultural Centre, Toronto.

Initially Aija will take participants through the site’s offerings, highlighting the diverse collection of resources, both print and electronic. An added feature that will be shown is “Dzirksteles”, a theme-based calendar that offers daily language activities or culture-related trivia. For instance, do you happen to know who, until 2008, was the highest paid athlete in Latvian history, or what is the longest word in Latvian, consisting of 27 letters? Visit “Dzirksteles” to find out!

The second part of the evening program will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss next steps– do we want to set up a book club or a Latvian language kafe? A Spring 2025 event at Sidrabene has been proposed; there is lots to discuss and organize to ensure that the proposal becomes a reality.

The discussion will be in English. The cash bar will be open and there will be refreshments. You can also look forward to a surprise guest performance. If attending in-person, please register at mazsilisaija@gmail.com, so that we have an idea of numbers. ZOOM will be available for anyone interested who cannot be with us in person and wishes to access the initial part of the evening program. ZOOM link:


Meeting ID 884 7503 7576

Passcode 791049

Aija Mazsīle

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