Let’s vote in the European Parliament elections!

– to elect the best candidates to represent Latvia in the European Parliament
– because our votes have power

Voting in person:
– Saturday, June 8 in Toronto (Toronto Latvian Centre) and in Ottawa
– bring your valid passport or eID card

Voting by mail:
– register online between May 4 and May 31
– to apply to vote by mail, you need:

  • – a valid eID card
  • – eID card certificates (passwords, i.e. PUKs and PINs that came with your eID card)
  • – a Smart card reader
  • – a printer

– you will need to print out the voting materials and send your vote by MAIL to arrive in Riga by June 8

Please do not wait until the last minute to vote by mail.

If you will not be able to vote in person and would like help with the process of applying to vote by mail, please email admin@lnak.org. We will be happy to help.

How to decide which party and candidates to vote for:
– here is the list of candidates
– there were 8 Latvian MEPs in the current European Parliament – Andris Ameriks, Ivars Ijabs, Sandra Kalniete, Dace Melbārde, Nils Ušakovs, Inese Vaidere, Roberts Zīle and Tatjana Ždanoka
– (Valdis Dombrovskis (New Unity) was elected, but Inese Vaidere took his place when he became Vice-President of the European Commission)
– assess the performance and achievements of these Members
– Latvia will be able to send 9 MEPs to the European Parliament this time
– All but Andris Ameriks and Tatjana Ždanoka will stand for re-election
– Tatjanai Ždanoka has been banned from running as a candidate due to her participation in the Communist party after January 13, 1991
– it is important to realise that by not voting, we can help elect a pro-Russian candidate
– as in the parliamentary elections, one list (party) must be selected for which to vote; a plus or minus sign will be allowed next to the candidates’ names
– watch Andris Gobiņš’s seminars if you were/are not able to listen to them live (they will be available on the LNAK website www.lnak.org)
– follow the Latvian press; at the same time, be vigilant and critically assess the information provided

Further information on the European elections will be available at www.lnak.org

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