Latvian for preschoolers and adults

We are happy to announce a project to develop two new sections for the LNAK website.Two new sections in support of the Latvian language The first section will be geared to adults who wish to learn or improve their Latvian. This section will include information on various learning resources as well as online courses. There will be a WhatsApp group for adults, where members can share their suggestions, questions, and practical tips on how to improve their Latvian. The other section is aimed at parents and grandparents, who wish to help newborns and toddlers acquire the Latvian language starting from birth. We have received requests for this type of help, especially from families where the parents do not have strong language skills themselves or where one of the parents does not speak Latvian. Project Leaders and Activities This project has been entrusted to three project leaders: Diāna Briedis, Laura Smith and Aija Mazsīlis. They are responsible for this project which is projected to be completed by the end of October. To help understand the needs, there will be surveys, interviews, Zoom meetings and Whatsapp forums. Appropriate learning resources, links to materials and practical advice will be compiled and published in a special section of the LNAK website, where they can be easily found and utilized. The World Federation of Free Latvians’ (PBLA) Education Division has developed a resource website sietiņš.lv which contains over 18,500 entries with various learning materials, that are a fantastic resource not just for teachers, but also for parents and adult learners. We will help you identify the resources available from sietiņš.lv that are most appropriate for babies and preschoolers, as well as for adults. We will also provide links to other useful websites and create or point to some basic materials that could be useful. Overall we hope to sift through what is available in order to highlight the resources that have proven most useful. We invite parents and grandparents to participate and be actively involved. In order to ensure that the project is meeting the Latvian community’s needs, LNAK invites all parents and grandparents of preschoolers to fill out a survey. Your participation is very important, as it will help us focus on the resources and activities that best meet your family’s needs. On Wednesday, August 14, we are holding a Zoom meeting for parents and grandparents to talk about Latvian language development for preschoolers. Please write to to register and receive the Zoom link. Please check back as we create and update these new sections of the website. We hope that this project will promote the use of Latvian in our community, and help both children and adults to meet their Latvian language goals. This LNAK project is supported by the Society Integration Fund from the Latvian State Budget allocated by the Ministry of Culture. Laura Smith