
"The Caterpillar" is the most popular book for young readers by children's author and illustrator Eric Carle, in which children learn about the adventures of a caterpillar and the days...
This is a children's book that teaches children to read in a creative and interactive way. With 100 heads, 100 waists and 100 legs, the book offers a variety of...
The books offer simple, easy-to-understand stories with colourful and particularly attractive illustrations that attract children's attention and help them understand the story.
The book about Douglas the Bear, with its lovely illustrations, is a simple but touching story about a little bear who goes in search of someone to cuddle and discovers...
For parents of pre-school children - familiar stories from English. The two friends - Frog and Toad - embody a warm friendship that has resonated with readers for generations. Each...
An interactive book where the Puppets - Socks, Gloves, Pillow and Nightingale - introduce children to the adult world, and the talking pen helps them learn language and develop their...
Two wonderful picture books in one edition! The new book "Bubulis", which is already a favourite among young readers, and in which a little mouse threatens anyone who wants to...
Children's books offer not only the opportunity to learn new words, but also to develop important communication skills and the ability to express your thoughts clearly and persuasively. They are...
An interactive series of books for exploration and fun - with a surprise behind every window! The main character of the books, Octopus, is a friendly, cheerful, elegant character who...
Books for very young children, who will love looking at the pictures and making their own changes. How? Simple - moving the pictures around. Listening to adults talk, children will...
The book series "Why? Why? How so?" is designed to engage children and develop their curiosity about the world. The books are aimed at children from 2 to 4 years....
Ginta Zilbaloža animācijas filma “Straume” ir jaunāko laiku lielākā Latvijas kino starptautiskā sensācija – pēc pirmizrādes prestižajā Kannu kinofestivālā tā ieguvusi vairākus desmitus apbalvojumu citos starptautiskos kinofestivālos. Tagad filmas kadri...