Greetings to Estonia on its 107th Anniversary

Tere, sobrad!

These past few days have been been a shock to all who have previously looked to the United States as a beacon of freedom and security. But…

One could not have imagined a president of the United States mindlessly parroting Kremlin lies and becoming Putin’s useful idiot, nor attempting to extort Ukraine’s mineral wealth like some Mafia Don, nor an American head of national security refusing to admit that Russia invaded Ukraine, nor an American vice president joined by Elon Musk in praising a hard-right neo-Nazi political party.

Yet these are the tragic and distorted times in which we now live…and in the midst of which Estonia celebrates the 107th anniversary of the declaration of its independence.

In this distorted climate in which traditional allies have been betrayed by perverse self-interest and illusions of grandeur, where are small nations to find a measure security, …where are they to find their strength and resolve?…

You know where Estonian strength and resolve is to be found, …because you are doing it..affirming it …right now !

The Estonian nation and its people throughout the diaspora are doing it in celebrating and affirming its independence.

It’s strengh and resolve is found in the affirmation of centuries of traditional heritage, in the resourcefulness and intelligence of its people, in the richness of language, in the sacredness of ancestoral land, in Estonia’ s rightful place within the community of nations.

The Latvian people and the Republic of Latvia share with you a long, often complex and painful history. And we affirm with you, that, although we value our bonds with other peoples and the assurance of trusted alliances, nevertheless, the true strength and survival of our nations lies in the heart and soul of its own people.

The Latvian National Federation in Canada extends its most sincere greetings to Estonia and to Estonians in Canada and throughout the world on the occasion of the 107th anniversary

of the declaration of Estonian independence and we pledge to you our unwavering friendship.

Elagu Eesti!