Sietiņš un citas vietnes

LVA ieteiktie mācību materiāli

Jaunajiem vecākiem un pedagogiem, kuri vēlas atbalstīt mazuļu valodas attīstību, ir pieejams elektroniskais ceļvedis „Klusiem vakariem kopā ar mazuļiem”. Šo ceļvedi, kuru sagatavojusi Latviešu Valodas Aģentūra, veido noderīgas saites uz brīvpieejas materiāliem, kas veicina latviešu valodas apguvi pirmsskolas vecuma bērniem. … ...

RE Play

Replay is a Latvian public media platform offering free access to a wide range of video and audio content in Latvian, including children’s programmes and educational materials. The platform offers more than 10 000 hours of programmes and cartoons in ...

LSM Nursery

LSM Bērnistaba is a Latvian public media platform that offers children engaging and educational content in Latvian for free. Its website features games, fun activity sheets and more than 200 original programmes and animations for children of all ages:

Latvian Language Agency

The Latvian Language Agency is an organisation that promotes the development and maintenance of the Latvian language in Latvia and the Latvian diaspora. It offers a variety of learning resources, books and interactive games free of charge to help children ...


Sietiņš is a project of the PBLA Education Sector, which provides free of charge easy access to more than 1 000 different learning materials in Latvian, especially suitable for educational institutions in the diaspora. The materials available on the platform ...